Performance Analysis of Image Compression using different modulation with Haar-wavelet Transform


  • Anjali Nigam Neha Namdev Prof. A. C. Tiwari Author


Haar-wavelet, Wiener filter, Median filter, Image compression, AWGN


Image compression is now essential for applications such as transmission and storage in data bases. Image processing for wireless transmission is a challenging task, because of the amount of image data that need to be processed in real time, the restriction of transmission bandwidth, and other limited resources of the wireless network. Wireless face recognition is a particular interesting application of image processing for communications, where face recognition is implemented at the application layer, and a customized processing on face images helps correct or tolerate the transmission errors at the lower layers, namely the network layer, the MAC layer, and the physical layer. In this paper we compression techniques and wireless transmission, some type of noise is also induced in compressed image. So we need improving image quality measured by such parameter. These are done by using denoising filter such as Wiener filter and Median filter at receiving end. The accuracy of compression methods is measured by CR and PSNR, with QPSK and 8-PSK modulation on AWGN Channel. Performance of these systems is measured by BER plot with respect to SNR. The experimental result shows that the proposed scheme maintains the accuracy of compression, transmission and decompression of image.







How to Cite

Performance Analysis of Image Compression using different modulation with Haar-wavelet Transform . (2015). Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies and Sciences, 2(12), 64-68.