Performance Analysis of Variation of COP, Refrigerating Effect, Power, Compressor Work with Evaporating Temperature for Condensing Temperature of 500c


  • Rahul Vishwakarma Prof. A. B. Jayant Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta Author


Alternative Refrigerants, Eco-friendly Refrigerants, Hydro-carbons, COP, RefProp Software, Simulation


As for the harmful and disastrous effects of the chloro-flouro carbons and hydro-flouro carbons on the stratosphere, researchers around the world are looking for their substitute and alternatives in refrigeration system. To be in line with them, the present project deals with the comparative analysis of various eco-friendly hydro-carbon refrigerants.In the present work, properties of R12, R134a, R290, R600, R600a and blends of R290, R600 and R600a were calculated using RefProp Beta v 7.0 software. The COP for the aforementioned refrigerants were then calculated theoretically and compared with each other. Later, the COP of the best performing hydro-carbon blend was calculated via simulation software.The evaluation showed that the performance of R290, R600, R600a and the blend of R290/R600/R600a (65%/25%/10%) as compared to R12 was found to be 7.196%, 2.076%, 2.166% and 10.980% more, respectively. Similarly, the performance of R290, R600, R600a and the blend of R290/R600/R600a as compared to R134a was found to be 2.651%, 6.228%, 2.166% and 6.274% more, respectively. Moreover, the best feasible refrigerant from the alternative hydrocarbon refrigerants was found to be the blend of Propane (R290), Butane (R600) and Iso-butane (R600a) in the proportion of 65%, 25% and 10% by volume respectively







How to Cite

Performance Analysis of Variation of COP, Refrigerating Effect, Power, Compressor Work with Evaporating Temperature for Condensing Temperature of 500c. (2016). Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies and Sciences, 3(6), 47-51.